
Week 3 - DELICIOUS bookmarking and aural/oral skills

Strengthening my web skills


Discussions that open your mind

This week has Courtney prepared another portion of interesting ingredients. At first, the portion of ingredients in my head caused a dizziness and on Monday I felt like a fruit salad. However, the next day I have overcome this condition of mind and started working on my first task.

I have created a delicious account in order to save my favorite websites. I like the idea that I can store and have access to my bookmarks anywhere in the world. I also like that I can make some bookmarks public and private. That helps because I have already informed my students about Delicious website and I would like to keep my private life private. I know that I can organize these websites but I am not that kind of guy. You should see my desktop, documents and folders everywhere.

I am starting to like the Nicenet discussions. It is a place where I have shared my opinion and experiences about my use of technology in my classes and learned that there are other teachers who have done similar things in their classes to motivate students. Their suggestions and experiences which they share on the Nicenet is a precious gift I received this week. Thank you Hector Alvarado, Mukti, Sharmila and Krishna.
Sharing information about the websites my classmates use in their classes and how they use them impressed me and helped me to extend my website directory for English classes. I have used some of the websites in the classroom and the students feedback was very positive.

The last thing I would like to mention are the project reports of former course participants. I have read some of them and they were very inspiring. Most of all I liked Zlatka Dyankova's project report about the way she used WebQuest in her class. I feel the same way as she did, I am not decided what kind of project I would like to do in my class. I am looking forward to another week of this seminar.


1 comment:

  1. Dear Matej,

    A sunny and positive design of your blog has attracted my attention. It is very peasant to read when you are surrounded with yellow, green, pink and orange motives. As far as I know, all of them are motivating colours and physiologists claim that they stimulate mental activity.

    As for the outcomes of this week, I should say that I am also very grateful to Debora, Courtney and my classmates for sharing with us their valuable recourses and priceless experience of using them in the classroom.

    And at last, I have chosen the same project to comment on as I like project work and Webquests. And I have found the project very reasonable, interesting, worthwhile carrying.

    Regards, Nataliia.
